Czechs, Belgians partner on isotopes

The Czech Institute of Nuclear Medicine (UJV) will partner with the Belgian Institute for Radioelements (IRE) to produce radioisotopes.

The Czech Republic estimates that it can produce enough radioisotopes to meet 5% of the world's demand, the Prague Daily Monitor reported.

Worldwide supplies of molybdenum-99 have been scarce for several months as Atomic Energy of Canada's National Research Universal reactor in Chalk River, Ontario, and Nuclear Research and Consultancy Group's High Flux Reactor in Petten, the Netherlands, remain offline for repairs and maintenance.

Related Reading

AECL: Repairs to NRU reactor on schedule, May 7, 2010

Brazil plans to produce Mo-99, May 6, 2010

Canadian group hopes to develop technetium-producing cyclotron, April 9, 2010

Canada makes investment in isotope production, April 1, 2010

FDA, Health Canada approve Polish moly, March 11, 2010

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