SERAM, Fundación Signo develop plan to update imaging tech

Fundación Signo and the Spanish Society of Medical Radiology (SERAM) have developed a criteria list for updating medical imaging technology.

The new document, “Criteria for the renewal and updating of medical imaging technology: Post-INVEAT analysis,” outlines recommendations for the management of the life cycle of imaging technology in the clinic. Experts responsible for healthcare technologies, equipment, and infrastructure; radiologists; and healthcare managers participated in the creation of the recommendations.

The following points are highlighted in the document:

  • The responsibility for the management of technology in radiology lies with the health center that uses it.
  • There are many limitations to developing structured investment planning.
  • In the incorporation of technology, it is very relevant that the agreement includes a level of services and updates during the useful life, to adapt to the innovation as it occurs.
  • Monitoring the asset over its useful life would require a single database containing indicators from different sources.
  • The use of a standards compliance verification process (Health ITV) could be useful in the case of assets that are in their preobsolescence phase.
  • It is very important to align the planning for incorporating medical equipment with the healthcare strategies and plans and with the health policies of the organization.

The full recommendations and meeting details between Fundación Signo and SERAM can be found here.

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