ESR's new-look executive committee takes office

New European Society of Radiology (ESR) leadership has taken office following the society's general assembly held on 2 March.

Prof. Andrea Rockall of Imperial College London is now chair of the ESR board of directors, the society's highest governing position, it said. Prof. Minerva Becker of Geneva University Hospitals in Switzerland is now ESR president and chair of the ECR 2026 Programme Planning committee. Prof. Marie-Pierre Revel, PhD, of Cochin Hospital, University of Paris, has joined ESR's board of directors as its second vice president.

Prof. Andrea Rockall and Prof. Minerva Becker. Image courtesy of ESR/Sebastian Kreuzberger.Prof. Andrea Rockall and Prof. Minerva Becker. Image courtesy of ESR/Sebastian Kreuzberger.

The society also noted the following executive council members:

  • Dr. Amelie M. Lutz, of Stanford University: chair, education committee
  • Dr. Luís M. Curvo Semedo, PhD, of Unidade Local de Saúde da Região de Aveiro in Portugal: chair, national societies committee
  • Dr. Ferdia Gallagher, of Cambridge University Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust: chair, publications committee
  • Dr. Raquel Perez-Lopez, of Vall d’Hebron Barcelona Hospital in Spain: chair, research committee
  • Dr. Andrzej Cieszanowski, of the Medical University of Warsaw: chair of the ESR communications and interdisciplinary affairs committee
  • Prof. Christian Loewe of MedUni Vienna: European School of Radiology (ESOR) scientific and educational director

The ESR expressed thanks to Prof. Carlo Catalano for his leadership as ESR chair, to Prof. Valérie Vilgrain for her service as ESOR scientific and educational director, and to Prof. Adrian Brady for his time on the ESR's board of directors.

More information on these newly appointed ESR members can be found here.

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