Specifications: Brand Boost

Brand Boost ads appear on social media platforms and offsite web browsing. Each platform has its size requirements and placements. We ask that you supply all of the sizes listed in the chart below for optimal display and for reaching the widest audience.

Campaign setup requires special handling and extra time to review and establish online views. Please submit your assets 15 business days before your scheduled start date. You will have the opportunity to preview your social banners before we launch.

We can accept up to 3 sets of artwork or videos per placement to run simultaneously in equal rotation with each other. For example, with Facebook, you may supply Banner Set #1, Banner Set #2, and Video for the month of June.

Please supply these items for all of the sizes listed in the following chart:
  • Graphics
  • URL(s)
  • Optional text
  • Optional video
Facebook + Instagram Graphic Format Animation Max Size
1080x1080 JPG, PNG, or GIF < 15 secs no looping n/a
1080x1980 JPG, PNG, or GIF < 15 secs no looping n/a
1200x627 JPG, PNG, or GIF < 15 secs no looping n/a
VIDEO MP4: See video requirements < 2 Minutes < 5GB
LinkedIn Graphic Format Animation Max Size
1080x1080 JPG, PNG, or GIF < 15 secs no looping n/a
1200x627 JPG, PNG, or GIF < 15 secs no looping n/a
VIDEO MP4: See video requirements < 2 Minutes < 5GB
Offsite Graphic Format
Animation Max Size
970x250 JPG, PNG, GIF, or HTML5 < 15 secs no looping < 200kb
300x250 JPG, PNG, GIF, or HTML5 < 15 secs no looping < 200kb
728x90 JPG, PNG, GIF, or HTML5 < 15 secs no looping < 200kb
300x600 JPG, PNG, GIF, or HTML5 < 15 secs no looping < 200kb
300x50 JPG, PNG, GIF, or HTML5 < 15 secs no looping < 200kb
VIDEO MP4: See video requirements < 2 Minutes < 5GB

Please supply one base URL for each set of platform ads. If you need to use UTMs for analytics, we can add the UTM to the base URL. We track individual ad performance in the Brand Boost dashboards.
Text (optional)
There are no specific character limits for text used in social platforms, however, text is truncated at 50 characters for the Headline and 125 characters for the copy. Avoid using paragraphs.

Video (optional)
Programmatic Video Pre-Roll (standalone video ad)
Length: 15-30 sec
File Format: MP4
File size: 25MB max
Aspect Ratio: 16:9 (4:3)
Bit Rate: 1200-1500, <400 for Mobile

Facebook/Instagram Video
File Type: MP4
File Size: 200MB max
Length: 15/60 seconds (recommend 30-sec)
Ratio: 1:1 (for desktop or mobile) or 4:5 (for mobile only)
Video Settings: H.264 compression, square pixels | Frame Rate: Fixed
Audio Settings: progressive scan and stereo AAC, audio compression at 128kbps+
Resolution: At least 1080 x 1080 pixels
* Leave 14% of the top and bottom free to avoid covering key elements

LinkedIn Video
File Type: MP4
File Size: 200MB max
Length: 15/60 seconds (recommend 30-sec)
Landscape - 1920x1080px / Aspect Ratio 16:9
Square - 1920x1920px / Aspect Ratio 1:1
* Leave 14% of the top and bottom free to avoid covering key elements

Codec Format: H.264 or VP8 | Frame Rate: less than 30 FPS
Audio Format: AAC or MPEG4 | Audio Size: less than 64KHz
Video Captions - Optional, Recommended
SRT format - only include text in SRT file, custom formatting not supported

Submitting Assets
Please label your assets clearly so we can expedite setup and avoid confusion.
Example: Facebook + Instagram
URL: https://www.scienceandmedicinegroup.com
Headline (social only): Free Webinar Wednesday
Copy (social only): Join us Wednesday at 1 p.m. EST and learn how to create a webinar to showcase your products and interact with your audience.

Example: Offsite/Programmatic
URL: https://www.scienceandmedicinegroup.com